A Crafty Interlude

A week or so ago, I scored a great little 70’s era sewing machine at a thrift store for dirt cheap. I was already on the market to buy one anyway, and this one’s style was undeniably charming! From what I know, these older models are workhorses, and I look forward wholeheartedly to the many hours of frustration my poor sewing skills are soon to bring me.

I’ve now become (even more) healthily obsessed with craft blogs and DIY videos, but as high as my dreams may reach…my patience, skill level and wallet, have thus far held me back from doing much more than collecting cool fabric I find at thrift stores. I did however, do this to an otherwise passed over t-shirt…

No sewing required!

It was a simple little no-sew project that took me about 10 minutes, but regardless: I was a proud craft warrior when it turned out as intended.

Stay tuned for more impressive results!