Safety Net

For those of you following along about me losing all my money, there will no be no starving for this girl. My wonderful dad read of my strife, and generously treated me to a grocery shopping spree!

This rainbow of delicious food means so much more than just that.

One of the best things about being back in my home town is having so much interaction with my parents. I moved out of the house a week or so after turning 18 (not for dramatic reasons, just because I was excited to start adventuring), and haven’t really lived nearby since then. Being able to pop in for dinner, ask a favor, or give a favor – these are luxuries that I think we all underestimate from time to time. I’ve felt like a happy child all over again, being back in the proximity of my loving folks.

We all need an emotional safety net – whether its your parents, your partner, or just a fantastic friend (wouldn’t all three be nice).

Don’t underestimate the power of human connection. Be that kind of friend to someone; you never know who needs it more than they’re letting on.